Friday, June 26, 2009

Oil Filters &flow work

Oil Filters

Most engine oil enters the pump through a strainer made of a gauze screen which excludes large particles of dirt.

A full flow pressure filter is fitted out side the crankcase. This filter can be blocked with sludge; it is fitted with a bypass valve which opens when the pressure across the filter exceeds a set amount. The valve also opens when the oil is cold and too thick to pass through the filter. This filter is made of various materials capable of holding back fine particles, but a large surface area allows easy access for sufficient oil to flow through

Large surface area allows easy access for sufficient oil to flow through.

Centrifugal Filters

These are less common types of filters. These work on the principle that solid matters

Is usually heavier than solid oil. A circular container revolves at high speed and the solid particles are flung to the out side and retained in the bowl, while oil passes through a central escape route.


1) FULL FLOW system. All oil is pumped through the filter into the engine block


2) BY-PASS system. Only a small amount of the oil is filtered at any one time.


The common type of filter element is mad of resin impregnated paper .it cannot be cleaned but should be periodically renewed


Oil enters at the out side, passes through the perforated cover, then through the actual element to the central outlet tube and on to the engine

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